Saturday, March 7, 2009

To all who suffer from Asthma

I have asthma, I've known about it since I was a teenager, it started with nuts. As I get older there are more and more things that set it off. The last 4 years I have been extremely troubled with something that keeps my lungs and allergies under attach.

I now know what it is. SOY

I really have enjoyed foods with soy in them, thinking that it's good for me. Silk Milk, I can't believe it's not butter, anything with SOY. WRONG!

All margarine's are made with soy bean oil. Real butter isn't, and the only soft real butter is Land Ol Lakes. So I guess that's what I'll use.

Good luck to all those who struggle with allergic reaction.


JoDell said...

How'd you figure that out?

Just a bed of roses said...

One more thing cindy... this morning i clicked on Jodells blog...I called carl over and almost "peed" my pants laughing at her blogs...especially the one about taking the kids to church. we were laughing till the tears rolled and we thought oh the Geilmans just have that fun sense of humor, all of you, we love and miss and Martha and Earl oh my gosh how they would love to see your family.
then we went to melba and her husbands blog...loved it too. will take little breaks reading up on your family blogs if you dont mind, it makes me laugh my head off! just priceless, what a joy!