Monday, June 1, 2009

My first speed quilt

About 20 years ago the new way of cutting quilt pieces was with a rotary cutter, there was a very fast way of stitching a Log Cabin Quilt also. A class was being taught on this at my very favorite quilting store in Ogden. Gardner's Sew-n-Quilt.
This is the only class I've ever taken on quilting, but it was with out a doubt a Hugh blessing to all quilters.

I chose a red print and white eyelet for my mothers king size bed in a room with red shag carpet and her French Provinchial Furniture and Pink Sheers.

The reason I'm telling this now is because 5 years ago my mother gave me back the quilt,(all nicely cleaned and pack in a zip lock bag). She moved and no longer used a king bed. All this time I haven't known what to do with it. I've hated seeing it still looking like the day I made it, but, with no one to sleep under it.


I have a friend (becky lewis) who is so sweet and will do anything for anybody. I was visiting her in her new home the other day. I am so happy for her and her family, the home is so very lovely. A wrap around porch facing a wooded area up in the mountains. Oh my gosh, you couldn't ask for a more peaceful place. As I walked through her bedroom I notice that she had a big king bed. I wanted her to have this king quilt that I made. It's in perfect condition and it needs a home. I hope that she will take it and enjoy it. It has at least another 25 years on it. The only catch is -- it's red!

The second Hugh blessing for quilters is the Jelly Roll, and the Charm Pack.



Just a bed of roses said...

I was just trying to remember your blog name when I saw your new I will go and add it now.
Hey, things get passed down dont they! Your friend will enjoy your handmade quilt in her new nice and its nice your mother gave it back to YOU... in mint condition.
Thanks also for your comforting comments. Linda Holmes mother passed away last week.

dream quilt create said...

That is a really beautiful quilt. That was really nice of your mother to give it back to you. She could have given it to DI. She recognizes all the work you put into it. You should show us the progress of the quilt you're working on now. It is fun to see things in the making.

Becky Lewis said...

CINDY - OH MY GOODNESS, I feel like I won the quilt lottery again!! Red is actually one of my favorite colors. So the answer is a GREAT BIG YES! YES! YES! Did you hear that? I love you a bunch!