Thursday, May 21, 2009


Sometimes the most wonderful thing you can do for yourself is, simply to be with a friend. Friends can take you places that you never knew you needed. They can show you parts of their lives that let you see how good you've had it, or excite and motivate you to expand yourself and become a better person.
It's especially great spending time with a friend exploring their world. I went with a friend to Bear Lake to visit her family home. We of course had to do some exploring in some shops on the way. We began with a shop in Farmington called "Just a Bed of Roses". Shabby to Vintage! I love this shop. The next one was in Roy "Re-Creations". A women refurbishes old furniture in a very charming way and there are beautiful vintage bottles and dolls and everything. Next was lunch in Logan at Bajio. SO GOOD! Two more Antic shops - . Then into Bear Lake where we stoped at a shop that makes fudge and candy's in million's of different forms.

Finally to the house and the 4 wheelers. Lots of special treats. A special pancake breakfast. Oh my gosh, the house is so charming with such a wonderful feel of grandmas. Peace and Quiet! Ya know if you talk non stop to someone for 24 hours, with no interuptions, you'll get to know them pretty good. My friend is amazing, her family is amazing and I'm so glad that I am able to share in the life of such a remarkable women. You are a blessing to me.

1 comment:

Just a bed of roses said...

Cindy...thank you so much for bringing your lovely friend to Just a bed of roses. And I knew you would love Re-Creations.
I bet you two ladies had so much fun together, there's nothing like a little get away from the normal routine to rejuvinate and get inspired and just Smell the roses.
Thanks so much for showing pictures on your blog, have a neat Memorial day and I would love to be on your private blog if possible.